Declaration Project


Welcome to MyDeclaration — or OurDeclaration if you’re submitting as a group — a dedicated space for people of all ages and walks of life to create and share declarations of their own.

This is an opportunity to discover, articulate and share with others your political voice. Our heartfelt belief is that this is an essential step towards achieving greater self-determination, and as a result, becoming more engaged in civic life.

You might be inspired to share your own notions about what you, and what we as a people, should most work towards achieving — it’d be great if you even shared a plan for how to tackle whatever problem needs to be addressed.

Your declaration might touch on matters of freedom, independence, liberty, sacrifice, oppression, democratic principles, on values that you think we all should share. You might have grievances you want to express, and steps for addressing them. You might start with a problem in your community that also touches upon similar problems in communities in other parts of the U.S. and perhaps the globe as well. Or there might be particular problems in the world at large that you feel we have turned a blind eye to, and that you believe we must confront.

It’s up to you. This is your place and space for sharing your ideas and ideals, your sentiments, principles, values, and framing them in the form of a declaration.

You can submit text along with images. You can submit declarations modeled after our July 4, 1776 document or other declarations you see on this site, but you should feel free to submit them in whatever form you like — including verse form, if the spirit so moves you.

Please be sure to put your name at the bottom of your declaration, and also to say where you’re from (as well as anything else you care to say about yourself.)  Also be sure that any images or videos that you upload to accompany your personal declaration do not infringe on anyone’s copyright.

In the spirit of this project, Christopher Phillips, the thought leader and instigator of this project, as well as the members of the Board of Directors and Advisory Board of Democracy Cafe, under the auspices of which the Declaration Project is launched, will be among those contributing to this page and interacting with and commenting on the declarations issued by others. (Christopher will periodically moderate exchanges on this site.)

Happy ‘declarationalizing’!

Please note our Terms of Use:

You are responsible for your use of this site, for any Content you post, and for any consequences thereof. The Content you submit, post, or display here will be able to be viewed by other users and as well as by third party services and websites. With that in mind, be sure only to provide Content that you’re comfortable sharing with others under these Terms. We assume no responsibility or liability of any kind which may arise from your Content. We also reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to edit or remove Content.  When you submit to this site, you are agreeing to these Terms. (And please be sure to ‘sign’ your posts by putting your name at the bottom of your declaration and also saying where you’re from.)



To explore and interact with all the declarations posted on MyDeclaration, click here.

And to post your own declaration, please scroll to the bottom of this page. (Be sure to include your name and location with your submission.)

If you’re inspired to write a declaration, but need a bit of guidance getting started, here’s a helpful link to jumpstart the process.


Declaration Submission
